New Cosmetic Regulations (CSAR) in China have been finalised and come into effect on 1 May 2021

Announcement – Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation

On 29 June 2020, the State Authorities in China announced long-awaited changes to the way Cosmetics are regulated. The Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation (CSAR) will be official from 1 May 2021.

The most fundamental change is that non-special use (or general use) cosmetics will no longer be subject to mandatory animal testing, whether they are produced domestically in China or imported. The reliance on animal testing presented an ethical dilemma for cosmetic companies wanting to expand their portfolio into the China market. Many brands, previously unwilling to compromise their standards, have a renewed opportunity to trade in China.

Over the last 12 months, Delphic HSE has been preparing our operations in anticipation of the changes to the Cosmetics Regulations in China. These preparations include:

  1. Training of qualified Toxicological and Regulatory experts
  2. Aligning Delphic HSE office operations in both China and Hong Kong
  3. Developing suitable safety and regulatory reports in line with the expectations of the state authorities
  4. Expanding our existing proprietary database, containing thousands of ingredients’ data, that we have utilised when generating Cosmetic Safety Assessments for over a decade.

These preparations enable Delphic HSE to help organisations sell their cosmetic products into the Chinese market. Delphic HSE will be offering Cosmetic Safety Assessments in line with CSAR, which are anticipated to allow justification of safety based on a product formulation and without a requirement for new animal testing.

    重要消息 – 化妆品监督管理条例

    2020年6月29日,中华人民共和国国务院正式公布期待已久的化妆品监管方式新变化。 《化妆品监督管理条例》将于 2021年 可能 1日起正式实施。

    在过去的12个月中,Delphic HSE一直在筹备我们的业务,以面对新条例带来的变化。这些准备工作包括:

    1. 培训合资格的毒理和法规专家
    2. 协调中国大陆和香港特区办公室运营
    3. 制定合乎条例要求的产品安全评估及合规评估报告
    4. 扩展及更新我们十多年来累积的毒理和法规数据库

    这些准备工作使Delphic HSE能够帮助品牌将其化妆品销售到中国市场。 Delphic HSE将提供符合《化妆品监督管理条例》的产品安全评估,化妆品安全评估可基于产品配方及原料现有科学研究资料评估产品安全性,而无需进行新的动物测试。

    Speak to a Delphic HSE Expert today

    If you are interested to learn more about the Cosmetic Supervision and Administration Regulation in China, how Delphic HSE can help or simply how the new regulation effects your organisation, please contact us.

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