Final SCCS Opinion on Aluminium (Submission IV)

Final SCCS Opinion on Aluminium (Submission IV)

On 4 April 2024, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) issued its final opinion on the safety aluminium in cosmetic products (submission IV). It can be accessed here. The SCCS concluded that aluminium compounds are safe when used; in non-sprayable product...
Draft SCCS Opinion on Aluminium (Submission IV)

Draft SCCS Opinion on Aluminium (Submission IV)

On 15 December 2023, the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) published its draft opinion on the safety of aluminium in cosmetic products (submission IV) (available here).   The SCCS concluded that aluminium compounds are safe when used: • in...
Canada prohibits use of basic green 4 in cosmetics, restricts three ingredients

Health Canada Hotlist

On 13 July, Health Canada opened a consultation on proposed updated to the Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist, which is open for comments until 11 October 2023. Proposed changes include: Additions Changes to conditions of use for existing entries Changes to new substance...